The Object Explorer lists the items in the current drawing. You can use the Object Explorer to select, move, edit, remove, and even rename items.
A "+" or "-" symbol accompanies each parent. A parent is an item in the drawing (such as a page, layer, or object) that contains other items.
To expand the list to show the resources belonging to the parent, click the "+" symbol or double-click the parent. The list expands, and the symbol changes to a "-" symbol. Click the "-" symbol or double-click the parent to collapse the list again.
To select an object, click its name. The Object Explorer uses highlighting to show which items you have selected. To select multiple resources, hold down the SHIFT or CTRL key as you click.
To display an object's shortcut menu, right-click the object's name.
To rearrange the hierarchy of an object, drag it to its new parent.
To rename an item, click its name, pause briefly, and then click the name a second time.
To display the Object Explorer as a separate window, drag it by its border.
To drag the color palette onto the Object Explorer, hold down the Control key while dragging the palette. |